Our New House

This guest post from Lewis Beck Preparing our new house for move in is such a big job. I knew the house needed some work, but I didn’t think it would take this much energy to get things done. We only wanted to do a few updates in the kitchen, but once we got the ball rolling we ended up putting in new cabinets and appliances. This took more time and money than we expected to spend. Then we needed to do some plumbing work to make sure that it was in working order. I am relieved that that stuff is done, and now all we have to do is activate our alarm system and move our stuff in. I know unpacking and organizing will be a pain, but I am glad that this process is almost over. I can’t wait for everything to get done and to be settled in. I hope the house will be as wonderful for us as we hoped it would be. The kids have been waiting a long time to have their own space, and I think we will all be happier.