Moment to rember

This pass weekend was my Birthday! I recieved a great Birthday present from my son, who is only two and half. Maybe I find it, so great because I'm his dad. Either way the feeling i got was truly amazing.

During the week a kid in his class had a Birthday. So he came home with a new song to sign, the "Happy Birthday" song. It was cute hearing him sign it, because when he got to the kids name, it was emphised alot. "Happy birthday to RAAAY" to funny!

When Saturday came, and I heard him signing, I told him "it's Dadas birthday tomorrow, when you wake up you can say happy birthday Dada". I really wasn't exspecting it.

My wife, and I take turns getting up on the weekends. She woke up Saturday, so it was my turn. I heard him wake up, so I got up did the usual routine brought him down stairs, changed his diaper, put the tv on, fed him breakfast, and then began to play.

He spotted the guitar for guitar Hero III, and wanted to play. I started to set it up, and while I was on the floor trying to figure out way it wasn't working, he put his hand on my shoulder and said "happy birthday dada".

I don't have this moment on video but I did capture him signing to me in the car. Enjoy!