p90x (day 3)

Today I watched the video shoulders and arms, I did more then watch! it's about a hour long, today went smoother then the other two days. I think once I catch on things will start to flow much better, then I will kick it up a notch. I will admit tacken it easy, trying to lean the excercise and figure out the resitance bands. Some excercises you have to loop it to get any tension because of the lenght. Unfurtunetly they slide from under my feet. I don't where shoes during my work out because of the snowy wheather.

15 excercises

1. Alternating shoulder presses
2. In and out bicep curls
3. two arm tricep kickbacks
4. Deep swimmer's presses
5. Full supination concentration curls
6. Chair dips
7. Upright rows
8. Static arm curls
9. Flip grip twist tricep kickbacks
10. Two angle shoulder flys
11. Crouchen cohen curls
12. Lying down tricep extensions
13. In and out striaght arm shoulder flys
14. Congdon curls
15. Side tri rises

Oh I forgot to mention two sets of each, and after that I did the Ab ripper x about a twenty minute excercise video just for the Abs. I did that on Day on day one I did much better this time. I found this Youtube video of someone doing the Ab ripper x. He makes it look easy, check it out!