Diet challenge

Going on my third week, of working out.
Happy with my progress even, with skipping a few days. My toughest part is actually trying to follow a diet, not to loose weight, just to getter quicker results, and to be healthier.

Week one consisted of just, making the effort to go out to the garage and workout. The workouts can be done right in your living room. I choose to go in the garage because, the wife and kids are in bed, and I don't want to wake them thumping around.

Week two I started my diet challenge, which consisted of eating breakfast, I normally just drink a coffee in the morning. I also wanted to start drinking water, I decided to cut back on soda. I usually drink to cans throught out the day, so now I'm limiting my self to one. I even gave up one of my junk food snacks.

Week Three giving up all my junk food, replacing with cellery with peanut butter and raisins. Going to start drinking a protein shake after my workouts. I'm also going to research some more healthy snack ideas. I'm thinking the cellery might get boring fast.